Friday, June 1, 2012

The Meaning of the Positive Word, 'Determination.'

The attainment of a worthwhile goal is a rewarding accomplishment. It is a measure of our success. On the road to the attainment of a worthwhile goal there are, however, bound to be sharp turns, crossroads, steep inclines, obstructions, potholes, boulders and delays. A sure way to attain our goals is to enlist three powerful forces, namely, visualization, determination and resilience.

In this article Phil Minnaar discusses these three forces in more detail.

The word ‘determination’ is explained as follows in The Positive Dictionary:

Determination: Be determined to accomplish your goal.

* Determination is the driving force for success.

To set a goal for the future is the easiest thing to do. One can set many goals for the future every day: I am going to become…., I am going to get…., I am going to travel to… Attaining a goal, however, is a different matter.

The attainment of a worthwhile goal is a rewarding accomplishment. It is a measure of our success. It creates a sense of satisfaction and of feeling good. It creates self-confidence to tackle the next goal and even bigger goals. Attaining a goal becomes a step in a succession of successes.

On the road to the attainment of a worthwhile goal there are, however, bound to be sharp turns, crossroads, steep inclines, obstructions, potholes, boulders and delays. There will be hardships, late nights, stress, disappointments and even resistance on the way to the destination.

A sure way to attain our goals is to enlist three powerful forces, namely, visualization, determination and resilience.

Visualization entails the ability to cast the end result of the goal into vivid images of final reality. The accomplished goal can be seen in great detail. The results flowing from the accomplished goal become visible. The visual picture becomes the guiding light at the end of the road to the goal.

Determination starts with the decision to go for the goal, to make the commitment to attain the goal. Determination is also the continuous driving force to overcome the obstacles on the way to the destination. It focuses the mind on the end result. It strengthens the will to carry on to arrive at the destination. It fuels the fire in the belly.

Resilience is essential to dismantle or to get around the barriers in the road to goal attainment. Resilience is the ability to be creative, to deal with impediments, to make a plan, to solve a difficult situation and to cope with adversity. It also entails the ability to be flexible and adaptable to handle changing circumstances and still keep the goal in mind. A resilient person has an inner buoyancy to bounce back after a setback.

The combination of visualization, determination and resilience is a powerful alliance to attain results such as new products, new ventures, new organizations new processes, new inventions, new concepts and more. Together they ensure the attainment of worthwhile goals in our personal lives, in an organization, in a country and in the world as whole.

The road to success is always under construction.

By: Phil Minnaar

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