Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to become a Go-Getter
Get what you REALLY want in life.

Unless you were born RICH and have had a silver spoon feeding you since birth you're probably just like the rest of the millions of people who have to work hard to get what you want. If you don't have an ivy league education, or even a simple college education, then you are at the bottom of the food chain and you aren't alone. Every year Americans face bankruptcy, divorce, child support, unemployment,soaring gas prices, and everything seems to be costing us more money while our wages continue to stagger. How in the world are we going to get ahead? How can we keep up with the Jones'? More and more families are suffering from not being able to raise their kids because both parents need to work, and some single parents are working hard at two jobs to support their family so forget about investing, 401 K's , we could ALL use some extra money. There's a saying, "If you want your life to change, YOU have to change." The truth is, most of us are so set in our ways that it can be way too difficult to change and we continue struggling, living paycheck to paycheck. In addition to our inability to step outside of the box, most of us can't really afford to try something new because of our fear of the loss of our sense of security. How many times have you heard people going on and on about how happy they are doing what they love for a living? What if you didn't know what you really want to be doing or perhaps your passions aren't really reliable income potential? Some people know what they want to be when they grow up when they are little kids, others settle for what they can get, while the rest continue to want more out of life and are just plain miserable then take out their frustrations out on the ones they love or drown themselves in addiction. Sounds pretty sad, but it is so very true. If you are ready to take small chances and put yourself out there for a little life changing experiences then continue reading, but if you are ready to accept the way things are then go ahead and move on to the next hub. Here are 10 different ways to change your life and go out there and get what you want on life.

1. Have faith. Having faith in yourself, your religion, and anything that motivates you to be positive and optimistic is the first step towards changing your life. If you are always angry or negative you are repelling all things that are good for you and around you. Take the time to be grateful and appreciate what you do have instead of complaining about all the things you don't have. Make time to pray, meditate, chant, and reflect on the positive things in life, besides, you will be a lot more pleasant to be around

2. READ and WATCH the NEWS. Make time to read anything and everything you can get your hands on because it gives you a variety of subjects to talk about with others. No one in this world knows everything so it won't hurt to keep up with current events, things that you've always had questions about, or topics you would like to know more about. If you can't afford a college education, you can educate yourself by reading, research the things you see on the news so you can have detailed information about what is going on around you and in the world at large. If you have trouble reading, use the Internet and have someone help you look up videos, or if you really want to change your life, look into free adult literacy programs in your area.

3. Don't be SHY. If you're too scared, too shy, too nice or too embarrassed to go after what you want then you won't get anywhere. It is a dog eat dog world, people are more and more competitive now then ever before. Don't think you have friends in corporate America because your friends at work are competing with you to advance themselves and take their career to the next level no matter what industry you're in. We all have bills to pay, families to support, and a life to maintain so let nothing stand in your way, especially YOU. Be confident in everything you do, be friendly to everyone you meet, and above all else, be one step ahead of everyone else. You don't have to be mean and evil to squash your co-workers and friends like bugs, it is important to be professional and likable to make your way to the top so kill them with kindness.

4. Add a TWIST to your resume. Most resumes have all the same elements and very few stand out with the competition. If you don't have awards, certifications, degrees, letters of recommendations, or a lot of experience you can high-lite your best qualities by making a list of "The TOP 10 reasons why you should hire:_______." You can include things like excellent time management skills, work well independently or in small groups, very creative, open-minded, appreciate constructive criticism, etc. Keep it short, sweet, personal, and high-light your best qualities. It will get the recipients to notice your resume out of the stacks on their desk and could get you the interview.

5. WOW them at the interview. When you're in an interview, it's almost like being on a date because you're trying to impress someone and convince them that they have to have you on their team. They are already interested in you if they called you to set up the session so when you show up, WOW them! Keep smiling, stay positive, and when you answer questions, sum it up and get to the point. Focus on what you can bring to the table instead of the things you don't know anything about. When they ask if you have any questions, make sure you do some research about the company and ask what their plans are to advance or excel over the competition? Show the interviewer that you have done your research and end it with a firm hand shake and a smile when you exit.

6. Clean yourself UP. You always want to give off the right impression when in comes to your career and finances, so be certain that you keep your image clean and professional. Avoid using fillers (uh, um, like, ok) and the use of slang in your speech, cover your tattoos, take out your piercings, your hair should be neat and clean, keep yourself well groomed and your personal hygiene at your best. Be sure you are always dressed nicely for the part and smell good without leaving your sent behind like a skunk.

7. Take little RISKS or big ones. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try different things. In this life, if you're already broke, you have more to gain then to lose when you take risks and chances. If you really want to put yourself out there and try something new, go for it! Get dressed up, print out a stack of resumes and go door to door with your resume in a business park with lots of different types of business. Talk to the receptionist or the person that greets you, let them know you're not selling anything but that you are looking for a new job, ask what kind of business they are running, ask for a business card then leave your resume and ask them to have the owner or hiring manager to give you a call if there is anything you can do for them. This shows the people at the company that you are serious about working and it will shock and surprise them that you have the guts to go door to door to sell yourself.

8. Meet NEW people. If you don't know anyone with connections that can help you advance in your career goals or if you are opting to get your foot into a different industry, maybe you should look into networking groups. You can find more information about networking groups online, at church, in your local newspaper, alternative or community newspapers. You can even join online networking group, be creative and open-minded when looking for networking groups and if you really want to get crazy, start one of your own even if you're not in that industry yet!

9. Nothing beats FREE! If you find access to creating free websites, free classes, free information, free job fairs, free health fairs, or anything else that is free... take it as a networking advantage! There is no shame in taking free handouts to help yourself advance in life. If you come across any deals offering free or discounted family activities or meals then take this as an opportunity to spend time with your family on a budget. Encourage your children to network and get involved in extracurricular activities because more then likely, you may be able to network with other parents for FREE.

10. Don't give UP! Whatever your passions or outlets are, keep pursuing them even if they aren't moneymakers. Just because you aren't getting paid to do what you love, do it anyway! If you've always wanted to try or learn something new there is now time like the present! You may find a way to let out your stress, find a new hobby, and you never know, creative outlets may eventually lead you to finding other passions that may lead you in the direction of success. If you want something, no matter what it may be, take the steps you need to take at your own pace to get you there. You can't make a home run if you don't practice hitting the ball first, and you have to run to first, second and third base to get you there. Don't let other people's opinions or negativity distract you from your goals, for every bad critic there are 100 fans supporting you to encourage you to get where you need to go. There will always be someone trying to get you down, distract you, or convince you that you are chasing a pipe dream. The truth is, a dream is a dream, and when they become goals, you need to be patient and persistent to get you where you want to be to make your dreams a reality. Good luck out there!

By: VegaLove

Source: HubPages

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