Friday, February 24, 2012

What Would You Do To Make Your Dreams Come True?

How important are our dreams? Dreams are very important because they are given by God and meant to come true. Most people have had dreams as far back as they can remember. Unfortunately, many people have come to believe that their dreams would never come true. This belief has an impact on how we perceive the value of our dreams in relation to our achievements. More and more we tend to believe our dreams will never have anything to do with our achievements, and our achievements will never have anything to do with our dreams.

So we begin dreaming less and less until we dream no more. When dreams die that is when we begin to " a life of quiet desperation." It is easy to become cynical and blame our circumstances on everything around us. We can look at others who have achieved their dreams and conclude that they were just lucky, or in the right place at the right time. But what many people fail to realize is that these people also had many failed dreams before their dreams became reality.
What set these individuals apart from others? It wasn't a change in their circumstances that made the difference, but a change in their attitude. Through their many failures they realized that in order to turn their dreams into reality they would have to become more than just dreamers; they would have to become daring dreamers.

When we are young we tend to be day dreamers, believing one day our ship will come in and take us where we want to go. All we have to do it wait. Luck seems to be an important word in our vocabulary. Lets face it, if we believe that luck is the key to success we will never have to point the finger at ourselves as the reason for failure. What is a daring dreamer? Someone who is willing to change in order to turn his dream into a reality.

There are a lot of people today who seem to have a lottery mentality. They believe that financial success should come to them without having to earn it. Usually these types of people never take responsibility for their financial future beyond just getting by. They have no interest in the success journey, only the destination. What is the success journey? True success is measured by how much you are able to help others achieve their God given dreams. That is why success will always be a journey and never a destination.

" Success is accomplishing the hard work along the way, not arriving at the destination. Ever wonder why some of the wealthiest people on the planet continue to work so hard? It is because success to them is their work, not the financial rewards. This attitude is what got them there in the first place.

To Make Your Dreams Come True, Four Inner Enemies To Success Must Be Overcome

1.) Fear - Many people will never begin the journey to success because they are petrified by the fear of failure. Maybe you are afraid to pursue your big dream because you will have to risk your time, energy and finances and you are afraid of failure. You are not alone. But playing it safe leads to regret later in life.

Theodore Roosevelt once said "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

2.) Doubt - Doubt is the enemy of belief. Without belief in your dreams you can never achieve them. How do you get belief? The mind is like a garden. Whatever you plant in it will grow. The more you nourish it the more it will grow. If you sow seeds of doubt it will spring up in your mind and paralize all your efforts. Doubt will cripple your dreams.

If you do not regularly fill your mind with positive thoughts through learning and right association, the mind will start dwelling on the negatives and begin to doubt. If you have negative associations (family or friends that are stealing your dreams through their negative talk) avoid them.

The best way I have found to keep believing in my dreams is through reading materials daily that relate to what I am trying to accomplish. Knowledge is essential. However, knowledge alone is not enough. Knowledge is not power. The application of knowledge is power. Applied knowledge is activity that will cripple doubt.

3.) Laziness - We all have a choice in life that will effect our dreams and how they impact others. We can choose to be givers or takers. If we choose to be takers our primary goal is probably going to be get rich quick and not worry about the body count along the way. This is the lazy man's route to what he considers success. But becoming wealthy is not a valid dream.

Money is a by-product of true success, which involves helping others fulfill their dreams. Think of every daring dreamer of the past who has had great achievements and how they have impacted the world and effected the lives of others in a positive way. The key to overcoming laziness and self-centered living is to develop a passion for helping others. Get involved in the lives of people. Find out what they need and help them to get it.

4. Stupidity - It is very easy to work hard but not smart in our efforts to turn our dreams into reality. If you don't work smart, all your hard work will be a waste of time. I think of not working smart as majoring on the minors. Spending too much time on the least important things you need to do.

An example would be a business owner who spends most of his/her time on things like bookkeeping or web site design, rather than on income producing activities like building relationships with potential prospects. Many people fall into this trap because their is no fear factor involved in these types of activities.

5. Failure - Failure is a natural part of the journey to success. It happens to everyone. The greatest achievers in history all had many failures before they became great successes. They didn't give up after a few failures but continued to look for new ways to reach their goal.

It is very important never to base your self-worth on your performance. Rather than saying to yourself, I am a failure, say I have discovered one more way that doesn't work. This is what Edison said to himself when trying to invent a light bulb. He failed over 1000 times.

Your dreams should never be regarded lightly. They are given to you for a reason. It is your purpose to make your dreams come true by serving others. This will involved stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you don't like to do for awhile.

Taking the focus off your own needs, wants and desires and focusing on the needs of others leads to success.You have a choice. Do the things that are outside your comfort zone now, and end up living your dreams, or always remain within your comfort zone and end up living with regret.

By: Steve Mark

What Would You Do To Make Your Dreams Come True?

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